Spiritual Lifestyle

A spiritual lifestyle is a way of living that emphasizes the cultivation of inner awareness and connection with something greater than oneself. It often involves practices such as meditation, prayer, yoga, and service to others, and may include a belief in a higher power or spiritual path. Adopting a spiritual lifestyle can bring a sense of purpose and fulfillment, as well as a deeper understanding of oneself and one’s place in the world. It can also lead to improved mental and physical well-being, and a greater sense of inner peace and contentment. Many people find that a spiritual lifestyle helps them to navigate the challenges and stresses of daily life with a greater sense of calm and resilience.

Types of Spiritual Properties
  • Ashrams
  • Temples
  • Communes
  • Yoga and Retreat Centers
  • Co-ops
  • Native Villages
  • Monasteries
  • Convents
  • Meditation Centers
  • Spiritual Retreats
  • Sacred Sites
  • Healing Centers
Top Destinations
  • India
  • Nepal
  • Thailand
  • Bali
  • Japan
  • Myanmar
  • Peru
  • Bhutan
  • Guatemala
  • Costa Rica
Why Live a Spiritual Lifestyle?

Living a spiritual lifestyle abroad refers to the practice of embracing a way of life that emphasizes inner awareness, connection with something greater than oneself, and spiritual practices in a foreign country. This can take many forms, such as living in an ashram, temple, or commune, participating in yoga and meditation retreats, or living in a co-op or native village.

There are many reasons why people choose to live a spiritual lifestyle abroad. Some people may be drawn to the spiritual traditions of a particular culture and wish to immerse themselves in that tradition. Others may be seeking a change of pace or a break from the fast-paced and hectic lifestyle of their home country. Some people may be seeking a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment in their lives, while others may be looking to improve their physical and mental well-being. Additionally, living in a foreign country can provide a sense of adventure and new experiences, which can be especially appealing to people who are open to new ways of living and thinking. Ultimately, people choose to live a spiritual lifestyle abroad for a variety of reasons, and the experience can be transformative and enriching for those who undertake it.

Fun Facts

The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit word “yuj” which means “to unite or join” referring to the union of the individual self with the universal consciousness.

The ancient practice of meditation has been found to have a positive impact on mental and physical health, including reducing stress and anxiety, and improving focus and concentration.

Pilgrimage is an ancient spiritual practice, many cultures have sacred sites that are considered powerful places for spiritual growth and healing.

The art of chanting and mantra recitation is considered to have a powerful effect on the mind and body, it is widely used in spiritual practices like yoga and meditation.

The practice of fasting, which is widely followed in many spiritual traditions, has been found to have a number of health benefits, including weight loss, improved metabolism, and better blood sugar control.

Choosing the Right Location

Choosing the right location for a spiritual lifestyle abroad is an important decision that can greatly impact one’s overall experience. There are several factors to consider when choosing a spiritual location, including climate, culture, cost of living, and the availability of spiritual practices and communities. Climate can be a crucial factor, especially if one intends to spend a lot of time outdoors or practicing yoga and meditation. Culture can also be an important consideration, as different countries and regions have distinct spiritual traditions and practices. Cost of living is also an important factor, as some countries and regions may be more expensive to live in than others.

Popular country destinations around the world for those seeking a spiritual lifestyle include India, Nepal, Thailand, Bali, and Japan. These countries offer a rich spiritual heritage, with a wide variety of practices and communities to choose from.

Living in Ashrams, Temples, and Communes can provide a sense of community and support, as well as a structured environment for spiritual practice. Yoga and Retreat Centers offer opportunities for intensive practice and study. Co-ops and Native Villages provide a chance to live in close harmony with nature and in a simpler way of life. However, living in these environments can also have its downsides, such as a lack of privacy, and restrictions on personal freedom. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons and find the right balance that works for you.


Ashrams are spiritual communities that are typically centered around the teachings of a spiritual leader or guru. They offer yoga, meditation, and other spiritual practices, as well as opportunities for service, study, and community living. Ashrams are often considered a place for spiritual growth and self-discovery.

Finding and choosing an ashram can involve researching different ashrams and their teachings, as well as visiting or contacting the ashram to learn more about the community and living arrangements. Many ashrams have websites that provide information about their location, community, and way of life, and some also offer the opportunity to visit for a trial period before committing to staying there.

Living in an ashram can be a powerful experience for those seeking spiritual growth and community. Ashrams often have a strong sense of community and support, with shared living arrangements and daily practices. However, living in an ashram can also require a significant adjustment to a different way of life and customs. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons and find the right balance that works for you. Living in an ashram usually requires a certain degree of commitment and discipline, and it’s important to be willing to follow the rules and practices of the ashram.


Temples are places of worship for followers of a particular religion, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, or Jainism. They are often dedicated to one or more deities and typically have resident priests or monks who lead rituals and ceremonies. Temples may also offer opportunities for volunteer work or study.

Finding and choosing a temple can involve researching different temples and their religious affiliations, as well as visiting or contacting the temple to learn more about the community and living arrangements. Many temples have websites that provide information about their location, community, and way of life, and some also offer the opportunity to visit for a trial period before committing to staying there.

Living in a temple can be a powerful experience for those seeking spiritual growth and community. Temples often have a strong sense of community and support, with shared living arrangements and daily practices. However, living in a temple can also require a significant adjustment to a different way of life and customs. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons and find the right balance that works for you. Living in a temple usually requires a certain degree of commitment and discipline, and it’s important to be willing to follow the rules and practices of the temple.


Communes are intentional communities where people live and work together cooperatively, sharing resources and responsibilities. They can be based on a variety of ideologies, such as spiritual, environmental, or social justice values. Communes may have shared living spaces, common land, and shared governance structures.

Finding and choosing a commune can involve researching different communes and their ideologies, as well as visiting or contacting the commune to learn more about the community and living arrangements. Many communes have websites that provide information about their location, community, and way of life, and some also offer the opportunity to visit for a trial period before committing to staying there.

Living in a commune can be a powerful experience for those seeking community and connection. Communes often have a strong sense of community and support, with shared living arrangements, and daily practices. However, living in a commune can also require a significant adjustment to a different way of life and customs. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons and find the right balance that works for you. Living in a commune usually requires a certain degree of commitment and discipline, and it’s important to be willing to follow the rules and practices of the commune.

Yoga & Retreat Centers

Yoga and Retreat Centers are places that offer yoga classes, workshops and retreats for individuals seeking to deepen their practice and understanding of yoga. They can vary in size and style, from small and intimate centers to large and luxurious resorts. They may also offer other practices such as meditation, pranayama, and ayurveda.

Finding and choosing a yoga and retreat center can involve researching different centers and their offerings. Many yoga and retreat centers have websites that provide information about their location, schedule, and facilities. It’s recommended to read reviews and ask for recommendations from other yogis, or even better, visit the center before committing to stay there.

Living in a yoga and retreat center can be a great way to immerse oneself in the practice of yoga and to learn from experienced teachers. It can also provide a sense of community and support, as well as a peaceful and secluded environment. However, it’s important to keep in mind that living in a retreat center may not provide the same level of privacy as living in your own home and may also have restrictions on personal freedom. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons and find the right balance that works for you.


Co-ops, short for cooperatives, are communities of people who come together to share resources and live together in a mutually supportive environment. Co-ops are often organized around shared values or ideals, such as environmental sustainability, social justice, or spiritual practice. They can take many forms, from housing co-ops to worker co-ops to spiritual co-ops.

Finding and choosing a co-op can involve researching different co-ops and their offerings. Many co-ops have websites that provide information about their location, community, and values. It’s recommended to visit the co-op before committing to joining, this way you can get a sense of the community and the environment. Many co-ops also have a process for joining, which may include an interview or a trial period.

Living in a co-op can be a great way to live in a supportive and collaborative community. It can also provide a sense of community and support, as well as a peaceful and secluded environment. However, it’s important to keep in mind that living in a co-op may require a lot of participation in community activities and decision-making, and may also have restrictions on personal freedom. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons and find the right balance that works for you.

Native Villages

Native villages are communities of indigenous people who have lived in a particular area for generations, often with a distinct culture, language, and way of life. These villages can provide an opportunity for individuals to learn about and participate in traditional ways of living, such as hunting, farming, and spiritual practices.

Finding and choosing a native village can involve researching different villages and their culture. Many native villages have websites that provide information about their location, community, and way of life. It’s recommended to visit the village before committing to staying there, this way you can get a sense of the community, environment and culture. It’s also important to be aware of any legal and ethical issues regarding visiting or living in a native village and to conduct proper research.

Living in a native village can be a great way to learn about and participate in traditional ways of living. It can also provide a sense of community and support, as well as a peaceful and secluded environment. However, it’s important to keep in mind that living in a native village may require a significant adjustment to a different way of life and customs. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons and find the right balance that works for you. Living in a native village should also be done with respect and sensitivity to the indigenous people and their culture.

Overcoming Challenges

Living a spiritual lifestyle can present a variety of challenges, both practical and emotional. One of the biggest challenges can be adjusting to a new way of life and customs, especially when living in an ashram, temple, commune, or other intentional community. This can include adapting to different living arrangements, such as shared living spaces, and different daily practices and rituals.

Another challenge can be financial, as many spiritual communities have limited resources and may require a significant financial commitment from members. This can include paying for living expenses and contributing to community expenses.

Emotionally, living a spiritual lifestyle can also present challenges, such as feelings of isolation or disconnection from the outside world. Additionally, living in a spiritual community can also lead to feelings of pressure or judgement, as community members may hold different beliefs or practice different rituals.

To overcome these challenges, it’s important to have realistic expectations of what living in a spiritual community will be like, and to be willing to adapt and grow. It’s also important to have a support system, whether it be friends, family, or a therapist, to talk about any struggles or concerns that may arise. Additionally, it’s important to maintain a balance between community life and personal time, and to be open to feedback and communication with the community leaders.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, living a spiritual lifestyle abroad can be a rewarding and transformative experience, providing an opportunity for personal growth, connection to a community, and a deeper understanding of oneself and the world. It can also provide an opportunity to immerse oneself in a different culture, gain new perspectives and experiences, and connect with like-minded individuals.

For those considering living a spiritual lifestyle abroad, it’s important to do your research, consider your goals and motivations, and choose the location and community that best aligns with your values and needs. It’s also important to be realistic about the challenges and sacrifices that may come with living in a spiritual community and be open to growth and change. Additionally, it’s important to maintain a balance between community life and personal time, and to have a support system in place.

In order to make the most of the experience, it’s also important to stay open-minded, be adaptable, and communicate with the community leaders and members. With proper planning and preparation, living a spiritual lifestyle abroad can be a life-changing and rewarding experience.

A Seattle native who decided to embark on a journey of a lifetime. Together with my husband Kostika, we're on a mission to find our new home abroad and live the life we've always dreamed of. From exploring new cultures to meeting fascinating people, we're excited for all the adventures that lie ahead in our pursuit of creating the ultimate international lifestyle.

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